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Custom Powder Metallurgy Home Appliance Products Manufacturers


We Have More Than Ten Years Experience In This Field

Shaoxing Guoteng Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was established in 2013 and is located in China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Qisheng Road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province.The Company is China Powder Metallurgy Home Appliance Products manufacturers and custom Powder Metallurgy Home Appliance Products suppliers. Now It Has Completely Independent Product Development, Design, Production And Testing Capabilities. The Main Production Equipment Includes More Than 10 Powder Metallurgy Automatic Presses (20-500 Tons), Automatic High-Temperature Sintering Furnaces, Stainless Steel Vacuum Sintering Furnaces, And Steam Treatment Furnaces. Three-Coordinate, Profiler, And Other Processing And Testing Equipment, Specializing In The Production Of Various OEM/ODM Powder Metallurgy Home Appliance Products.

  • 50 million+

    Total investment

  • 7000㎡

    Company size

  • 3000t

    Annual output


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Advantages of Powder Metallurgy in Home Appliance Products
1. Enhanced Design Possibilities
One of the key advantages of powder metallurgy in home appliance products lies in its ability to create complex and intricate shapes that may be challenging or cost-prohibitive with conventional manufacturing methods. PM enables the production of intricate internal geometries, intricate details, and unique designs, allowing appliance manufacturers to push the boundaries of creativity and aesthetics. As a result, consumers can enjoy home appliances with sleek, ergonomic designs that seamlessly blend into their living spaces.
2. Superior Material Properties
Powder metallurgy offers excellent control over material properties, making it an ideal choice for home appliance products. By carefully selecting the metal powder composition and adjusting the sintering process, manufacturers can tailor the material properties to meet specific requirements. PM products can exhibit enhanced strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and thermal conductivity, ensuring appliances withstand the demands of daily use while maintaining their performance and longevity.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
The cost-effectiveness of powder metallurgy is another significant advantage that has contributed to its popularity in the home appliance industry. PM allows for efficient material utilization since the process generates little to no waste. Additionally, the ability to produce near-net-shape components reduces the need for extensive machining operations, minimizing the overall manufacturing costs. By leveraging the cost advantages of PM, appliance manufacturers can offer high-quality products at competitive prices, making them accessible to a wider consumer base.

Applications of Powder Metallurgy in Home Appliance Products
1. Electric Motor Components
Electric motors are a vital part of various home appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners. Powder metallurgy plays a crucial role in producing electric motor components such as rotors, stators, and gears. The high precision and intricate designs achievable through PM ensure optimal performance, reduced noise, and increased energy efficiency in these appliances.
2. Heating Elements
Powder metallurgy is extensively used in the production of heating elements for appliances like toasters, ovens, and electric stoves. PM enables the fabrication of resistive alloys with precise electrical and thermal conductivity properties, resulting in efficient and reliable heating elements. The homogeneous distribution of alloying elements achieved through PM ensures uniform heat distribution, providing consistent and controlled heating in home appliances.
3. Structural Components
Powder metallurgy finds applications in the production of various structural components in home appliances. These components include chassis, housings, and structural brackets that provide support and durability to appliances. The ability to create complex shapes and incorporate features like threaded inserts or self-lubricating properties allows manufacturers to optimize the design for strength, weight reduction, and assembly efficiency.